Post 3

 This time I want to write about students who are dealing with depression-kind of situations, specially in this context -the pandemic... Isn't it too obvious?- and a little bit of types of students in any career.

Not so long ago, a friend of mine finished all her homeworks and evaluations for her respective academic context. She's a very good student in many ways and, as always, there were very good results. About that I wasn't even surprised, knowing her... But then she revealed me that she was constantly struggling with her moods through the evaluation periods and study sessions. I was shocked. Ask her how did it feel would´ve been rude, but I'm totally sure that it was horrible. She said no more, but it made me think that only a few times we know how someone is really feeling inside, I mean, behind failure and success could be anything, infinite possibilities related to our personal experiences and unique history. There sure are many people who deal with this, and those who do persevere and achieve what they want, are a very special type of person; they already have a compromise with their future projections. My friend is that kind of person, the ideal of the student. She´s already on a different position. Like I said before, it's a compromise. To acquire a degree is one thing that is separate for being a good person -the educative system does not produce more sensitive persons, it rather is an inteligence-memory monument-. My friend already has a connection with something that is painfull; and also in the same time with also that keeps pushing her forward to acquire not only a degree, but also an oportunity to benefit other people with her knowledge. There certainly wouldn't be this kind of progress in a person without an evolution-kind of thing, I mean, In some point of our lives will be necesary to take action and decide what to do with our future. I can apply this to my carrer and even other aspects of life.

A dead person who's alive in every contribution that made to other persons is already living more than a person who lives in a selfish way, hoping for little daily pleasures. The last one, the person who lives like that, isn´t a bad person, it's just dead, it couldn't be a bad person in that case, don't you think?


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