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Post 3

 This time I want to write about students who are dealing with depression-kind of situations, specially in this context -the pandemic... Isn't it too obvious?- and a little bit of types of students in any career. Not so long ago, a friend of mine finished all her homeworks and evaluations for her respective academic context. She's a very good student in many ways and, as always, there were very good results. About that I wasn't even surprised, knowing her... But then she revealed me that she was constantly struggling with her moods through the evaluation periods and study sessions. I was shocked. Ask her how did it feel would´ve been rude, but I'm totally sure that it was horrible. She said no more, but it made me think that only a few times we know how someone is really feeling inside, I mean, behind failure and success could be anything, infinite possibilities related to our personal experiences and unique history. There sure are many people who deal with this, and th

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